Date: Sun, 5 Dec 93 17:06:03 PST From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V93 #1427 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Sun, 5 Dec 93 Volume 93 : Issue 1427 Today's Topics: 6 Meter Transceiver Advice ? ? ? ANS-338 BULLETINS API for HAM CALL ARLD066 DX news ARLP048 Propogation de KT7H Calculating SWR GPS sat sound? Identifying in emergency Need info on testing in St. Louis, O'Fallon, MO area Slow Scan TV on a C= Amiga computer. unknown newsgroup VK2SG RTTY DX Notes, 3 December Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 3 Dec 1993 17:52:21 GMT From: ucsnews!!!!olivea!koriel!newscast.West.Sun.COM!cronkite.Central.Sun.COM!webrider! Subject: 6 Meter Transceiver Advice ? ? ? To: In article, (Geoffrey S. Mendelson) writes: > I used to talk to myself..... Now that I am a ham, I send code to myself: > -... --- -.-- - ... .. ... --. ..- -.-- .. .... .-- .. . .-. -.. .-.-.- ..- -. ..-. --- .-. - ..- -. .- - . .-.. -.-- -.-- --- ..- .-. ... .--. . .-.. .-.. .. -. --. .. ... .--. .-. . - - -.-- .-- . .. .-. -.. .- .-.. ... --- .-.-.- --... ...-- --..-- -- -- -- Steve Bunis, Sun Microsystems ***DoD #0795*** 93-ST1100 -- Itasca, IL ***AMA #682049*** -- ***HRCA #HM125617** -- *** N9VLP *** ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 93 00:01:30 GMT From: Subject: ANS-338 BULLETINS To: SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-338.01 BRAMSAT NOTE ON DO-17 RETURN HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 338.01 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD DECEMBER 4, 1993 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-338.01 PY2BJO Thanks Those Who Brought DOVE Back On-Line As reported previously in the AMSAT News Service (ANS), DOVE is back on 2M with the DOVE control team continuing their efforts to restoring it to voice operations. Junior de Castro (PY2BJO), of BRAMSAT, the Brazilian AMSAT group, which sponsored the DOVE satellite has the following to say regarding the satellite's recent return to 2M. "After a long time DOVE is back again on 2M at 145.825 MHz. This project was created to provide an extremely simple way for those not familiar with satellite communications, especially those new to amateur radio, to take part in this exciting phase of our hobby. DOVE is finally beginning to live up to it original promise. After its rebirth, we at BRAMSAT are receiving many E-mail messages and letters. Up to now they total 328, from 45 countries. We are happy with this response, but we will be even happier when DOVE again becomes the popular satellite that we always knew it could be." /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-338.02 AMSAT OPS NET SCHEDULE HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 338.02 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD DECEMBER 4, 1993 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-338.02 Current AMSAT Operations Net Schedule For AO-13 AMSAT Operations Nets are planned for the following times. Mode-B Nets are conducted on AO-13 on a downlink frequency of 145.950 MHz. If, at the start of the OPS Net, the frequency of 145.950 MHz is being used for a QSO, OPS Net enthusiasts are asked to move to the alternate frequency of 145.955 MHz. Date UTC Mode Phs NCS Alt NCS 12-Dec-93 0435 B 180 W9ODI WB6LLO 3-Jan-94 0200 B 160 WA5ZIB N7NQM Any stations with information on current events would be most welcomed. Also, those interested in discussing technical issues or who have questions about any particular aspect of OSCAR statellite operations, are encouraged to join the OPS Nets. In the unlikely event that either the Net Control Station (NCS) or the alternate NCS do not call on frequency, any participant is invited to act as the NCS. ************************************** Slow Scan Television on AO-13 SSTV sessions will be held on immediately after the OPS Nets a downlink on a Mode-B downlink frequency 145.960 MHz. /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-338.03 WEEKLY OSCAR STATUS REPORTS HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 338.03 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD DECEMBER 4, 1993 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-338.03 Weekly OSCAR Status Reports: 27-NOV-93 AO-13: Current Transponder Operating Schedule: L QST *** AO-13 TRANSPONDER SCHEDULE *** 1993 Nov 15-Jan 31 Mode-B : MA 0 to MA 95 ! / Eclipses, max Mode-B : MA 95 to MA 180 ! OFF Dec 07 - 24. < duration 136 Mode-B : MA 180 to MA 218 ! \ minutes. Mode-S : MA 218 to MA 220 !<- S beacon only Mode-S : MA 220 to MA 230 !<- S transponder; B trsp. is OFF Mode-BS : MA 230 to MA 256 ! Blon/Blat 240/-5 Omnis : MA 250 to MA 150 ! Move to attitude 180/0, Jan 31 AO-13 will experience another partial solar eclipse on 1993 Dec 13 [Mon]. It sees the Moon eclipse the Sun from 10:09 - 10:59 UTC with a maximum 53% obscuration at 10:34 UTC. This is Orbit #4211 MA 73-92. The encounter will be "visible" on the telemetry to stations throughout the USA and Japan. Reports would be appreciated. Stations who observed this spectacu- lar eclipse of Dec 13 will know what to look for. Eclipses of the sun by earth commence on Dec 07 [Tue] and continue until Dec 24 [Fri]. The eclipses are, of course, total. The maximum lasts 2 hours and 16 minutes, and is the longest AO-13 has ever experienced. The telemetry during these outages is very interesting, particularly the spacecraft temperatures; some reach -40 C. The Mode-B transponder will be OFF from MA 95 to 180 during this two week period. [G3RUH/DB2OS/VK5AGR] FO-20: The following is the FO-20 operating schedule: Analog mode: 01-Dec-93 08:43 -to- 07-Dec-93 7:16 UTC 15-Dec-93 07:41 -to- 22-Dec-93 8:05 UTC Digital mode: otherwise noted above. In December, analog mode and digital mode will be ON alternately for a week, respectively. [JJ1WTK] RS-12: KA3TGY reports that he had a great deal of fun on RS-12 this past week when he mat a contact with CY0SAB. KA3TGY used a R-7 vertical with 100 watts output to make the contact on RS-12 on 15M. This was KA3TGY's first contact and he notes that he never realized what he was missing by not working RS-12! [KA3TGY] The AMSAT NEWS Service (ANS) is looking for volunteers to contribute weekly OSCAR status reports. If you have a favorite OSCAR which you work on a regular basis and would like to contribute to this bulletin, please send your observations to WD0HHU at his CompuServe address of 70524,2272, on INTERNET at, or to his local packet BBS in the Denver, CO area, WD0HHU @ W0LJF.#NECO.CO.USA.NOAM. Also, if you find that the current set of orbital elements are not generating the correct AOS/LOS times at your QTH, PLEASE INCLUDE THAT INFORMATION AS WELL. The information you provide will be of value to all OSCAR enthusiasts. /EX ------------------------------ Date: 3 Dec 93 00:21:00 GMT From: ucsnews!!!pipex!uknet!!almac! Subject: API for HAM CALL To: -> I talked with the Buckmaster folks about this at Dayton last year. They -> seemed lukewarm to the idea of an API, and to a Windows interface, but -> had no real commitment to do it from what I heard. The data is encoded -> in some wierd way, and they seem to want to keep it private. -> The QRZ! disc is cheaper and better (though it is domestic only). I have might doubts about how complete the Buckmaster international CD-ROM callbook is. I ran through a few local call-signs, at least two did not appear - even though both calls have been issued many years, no change in address and not "particulars withheld ...". Try GM0FRG and GM4PWR. I mentioned previously the LOOKUP option seems to have some bugs. I agree that the QRZ! ROM is better - for US calls only unfortunately. * RM 1.2 00964 * Martin Briscoe - Inverness-shire - Scotland ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1993 06:31:13 -0700 From: agate!!!!!alberta!adec23!ve6mgs! Subject: ARLD066 DX news To: SB DX @ ARL $ARLD066 ARLD066 DX news ZCZC AE92 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 66 ARLD066 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1993 10:07:27 -0700 From: agate!!!!!alberta!adec23!ve6mgs! Subject: ARLP048 Propogation de KT7H To: SB PROP @ ARL $ARLP048 ARLP048 Propagation de KT7H ZCZC AP10 QST de W1AW Propagation Forecast Bulletin 48 ARLP048 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 23:07:01 -0500 From:!!eff!!ub!!!rochgte! Subject: Calculating SWR To: > From: galen@picea.CFNR.ColoState.EDU (Galen Watts) > Organization: College of Natural Resources, Colo. State Univ. >>I am not trying to be mean, but did you sit a radio theory test for your >>amateur license ? >> >>James Morris VK2GVA > Yes, he did. SWR formulae are not on amateur tests in America. > Galen, KF0YJ Hmmm. I seem to remember a question or two about that on one of my theory tests. I don't recall which class it was for. Dave, NF2G ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Dec 1993 06:37:12 GMT From: agate!!eff!!!NewsWatcher! Subject: GPS sat sound? To: While reading the scanner newsgroup, someone mentioned listening for GPS birds. I'd never thought of that, but it seems kind of neat. The freqs mentioned are 1575.42 (out of my range) and 1227.6 - but I've tried the 1227 freq (in fact searched all of 1227 - 1228 and don't hear anything (also using a not so good antenna)) - can anyone say WHAT you should hear from one of the sats? What mode/bw would be best? THANKS & 73's de WB5KXH ======== insert usual disclaimers here ============ Bob Wier, East Texas State U., Commerce, Texas (watch for address change) ------------------------------ Date: 5 Dec 93 21:29:00 GMT From: Subject: Identifying in emergency To: > I was wondering -- since it is permissible for an unlicensed > individual to use a radio in an emergency, and since it is possible > that I may be faced with an "official FCC-approved grade A emergency" > between now and when the FCC finally gets around to sending me my > license, what is the established procedure (if any) for an unlicensed > operator to identify him/herself if attempting to obtain emergency > help? > /Matthew (Still waiting for my ticket, 4 weeks and counting) > E-Mail: Two possibilities, Matthew. 1. "since it is possible that I may be faced with an emergency...." Make sure you are looking at this from a realistic viewpoint. How many emergencies have you had in the lsat 10 weeks? 2. The best way I can think of to identify yourself would be to say that you are a civilian that is using a modified ham radio that a sheriff friend of yours confiscated in San Diego and gave to you. Then leave the area before details can be examined. Let them sort it out. Paul Marsh N0ZAU Omaha ------------------------------ Date: 5 Dec 1993 10:38:36 -0500 From: gumby!andrews-cc!andrews-cc! Subject: Need info on testing in St. Louis, O'Fallon, MO area To: Newsgroups: Subject: Testing Sites St. Louis MO. Summary: Followup-To: Distribution: usa Organization: Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, 49104 Keywords: VE St. Louis, MO My nephew is interested in becoming a amateur. He need to know the locations and times that testing is done in the St. Louis, MO or O'Fallon areas. Please reply to my email address. TNX and 73's Bernard (N8NQZ) ------------------------------ Date: 3 Dec 1993 20:43:53 GMT From: unogate!!usc!!swrinde!emory!!!!!! Subject: To: NEED QSL INFO FOR 6Y5IC -- GREG WOOD ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1993 16:12:08 GMT From:!usc!!pipex!uknet!brunel!! Subject: Slow Scan TV on a C= Amiga computer. To: Well, my Dad has asked me if he can use my Amiga with it's new digitiser (Vidi-Amiga 12) to send Slow-Scan TV pictures over the airwaves. At the moment he's using my old Sinclair Spectrum, but the Amiga can produce nicer looking graphics and doesn't take five minutes to load the program and another couple of minutes to load a picture from tape. You can get Spectrum emulators for the Amiga, but there's no mic socket on the Amiga to use with the program! Anyway, any information on programs, any circuits etc.. appricated such exists - I don't know whether I'll fully understand it but I sure my Dad will. Thanks, - Matt. +---------------------------------+ "It's not fair to have the | Matthew Wilson, BA2 D&T with Ed.| same rules for everybody | Brunel University (Runnymede), | when we're all different." | Egham, Surrey, England. | +---------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 23:13:02 -0500 From:!swrinde!!!!!eff!!ub!!!rochgte! Subject: unknown newsgroup To: A few days ago somebody posted a bulletin (may have been the satellite anomaly warning). The preamble stated that the information might eventually be posted in, but I can find no evidence of a newsgroup by that name. Does it exist? ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 03 Dec 93 11:24:54 GMT From: ucsnews!!!!caen!!infinet!n8emr! Subject: VK2SG RTTY DX Notes, 3 December To: ============================================================== | Automatic relayed from packet radio via | | N8EMR's Ham BBS, 614-895-2553 | ============================================================== SB DX @ ALLBBS $RTDX1203 VK2SG RTTY DX Notes, 3 December VK2SG RTTY DX Notes for week ending 3 December 1993 (BID RTDX1203) Received some very good news today. W5KSI, Angelo is home from the hospital. God bless, and stay well. A special thanks to Angelo III, N5UXT for assisting his dad throughout. Our information this week came from 9X5LJ, DJ3IW and the DB0BCC Cluster Node, I5FLN, N2DBI, W2JGR and the NJ0M Node Twin-Cities DX Packet Cluster Network, W5KSI, and ZS5S. Thank you all for your assistance. Bandpass Friday 26 1122-14086 J3/N9FTC QSL N9FTC 1325-14084 S51GL 1326-14086 J3/N9FTC 1347-21084 S51GL 1517-21087 CU1AC 1524-14086 J3/N9FTC 1613-14085 9M2MW 1658-14088 WB8YJF/VP9 2040-21085 WD5N/HC8 QSL HOME CALL 2101-14087 WB8YJF/VP9 2350-14085 VP8CIL Saturday 27 0704-21073 J28BM ARQ 1150-14086 WB2RAL/VP9 1154-14086 S51GL 1318-14086 SV5BVP 1333-14086 4L8A Georgia QSL OZ1HPS 1640-14087 5N/DF8QB 1851-14087 TT8OBO (currently not acceptable for DXCC) 2222-14087 CN8NP Sunday 28 1149-14088 UJ8JCQ 1242-14085 HI8BG 1252-14083 KP4YA 1342-14088 4L8A 1637-14090 VP9/WB2RAJ 2210-21084 VR6FLY/BX see Notes 2229-14086 VP9/WF2S Monday 29 0745-14087 LA2QAA Frei Island 1000-14086 GI4SRQ 1002-14084 UH8AAB 1150-14087 OM3CPS 1558-14085 CY0SAB 1654-21081 J68AS QSL N9AG 1724-14089 KG4CB QSL WB9APE 1745-14089 J28JJ 2227-14080 J68AS Tuesday 30 1343-14089 WB8YJF/VP9 1421-21087 J68AS 1430-14089 LA2QAA 1445-21088 WB8YJF/VP9 1512-21086 CU1AC 1542-14086 YL2GD 2235-14081 VP5JM QSL W3HNK Wednesday 1 1257-14084 LY2BBF 1308-14085 FG5FI 1319-21085 J28JJ 1323-14086 4L8A 1525-14089 GI4HVI 1542-21089 GW4YDX 1554-14087 GW4WWE 1557-21087 EC9MA INVERTED Thursday 2 1323-14085 LY2BBF 1509-21089 GM4SUC 2117-21090 FG5GI Notes of Interest: Pitcairn Island, VR6. VR6FLY/Operators Suffix, is to commemorate the 155th year of Women's Suffrage on Pitcairn Island. It was signed as part of the constitution in 1838 aboard the British ship HMS Fly. QSL to Operator's Suffix, Private Bag, Pitcairn Island, So. Pacific Ocean, via New Zealand. Iran, 9D. 9D2UU showed up on the airwaves with no notice. The station indicated that they will be there for some time and are with some of Romeo's friends. QSL LZ2UU. Nothing further at this time. Mayotte, FH. DL9AWI and DL5XU were active from Mayotte with 100 watts from 16-29 November. For those fortunate ones that worked Mat, FH/DL5XU on RTTY, QSL via home call. For next week's bulletin, send your Bandpass and Notes of Interest to Jules, W2JGR @ W2TKU.#SRQ.FL.USA.NA Remember, DX Don't Sleep. GL DE BOB, WB2CJL @ W5KSI.#NOLA.LA.USA.NA /EX SP KT7H @ N7DUO.WA.USA.NA ------------------------------ Date: 1 Dec 93 22:52:34 GMT From:!metro!!eram! To: References , <>, Subject : Re: Calculating SWR In article , (Charles R. Hohenstein) writes: | The whole point is that this is NOT an electronics newsgroup, but rather a | newsgroup for amateur radio operators, not all of whom have--or even need | to have--a detailed understanding of how the equipment they operate | actually works. Call me a bigot, but I expect Amateurs to have at least one reference book available (not necessarily belonging to him/her); at least, the one they used to study for their ticket... Again, asking "how do I calculate the SWR" here is akin to asking "what's the pinout of a 555" over on sci.electronics (where all too often questions like that are seen). Of course, if the person who posed the question in the first place is not an Amateur (I've lost the original) then naturally I withdraw the remark; however, the Net is not a substitute for leg-work. -- Dave Horsfall (VK2KFU) VK2KFU @ VK2RWI.NSW.AUS.OC PGP 2.3 dave@esi.COM.AU ...munnari!esi.COM.AU!dave available ------------------------------ Date: (null) From: (null) SB DX ARL ARLD066 ARLD066 DX news Thanks to Steve, W9NUF; the Northern Illinois DX Association; Tedd, KB8NW; and the OPDX PacketCluster Network for the items in this week's bulletin. CHRISTMAS ISLAND. An operation by VI9XN and VK9XO is up and running from this Indian Ocean island and expected to be QRV through December 15. QSL VI9XN via W5KNE, VK9XO via VK4CRR. GAMBIA. C50BI has been quite active during the past week. Check 14010 kHz at 0120z and 7008 kHz at 0530z. QSL via 6W6JX. JOHNSTON ISLAND. KH3/NH6HX has been a good catch on 80 meter CW the past few days. Try 3515 kHz at 0735z and 3529 kHz at 0830z. MACAO. XX9AS was worked on 14010 kHz at 1510z and 7009 kHz around 1400z. QSL via KU9C, 1992 CBA or later. NAURU. Ron, ZL1AMO, is operating /C21 and has been very active on 14025 kHz at 0130z and 24902 kHz around 2030z. SABLE ISLAND. CY0SAB was worked on 3797 kHz at 0200 and 1100z. QSL via VE1CBK. SAINT MARTIN. A serious all band, CW/SSB multi operation from French Saint Martin is scheduled to start today and run through December 8. Keep an eye on your PacketCluster screen. QSL via W2QM. TONGA. Paolo, IV3UHL, will begin operating from here starting the 1st of December through January 31st. His call sign is unknown at this time. He may also do some IOTA island hopping around Tonga. Listen for his CW at 5 kHz up from the band edges. For SSB, try 3760, 7095, 14260, 21260 and perhaps 17 and 12 meters. QSL via IV3UHL. LEBANON. Erik, SM1TDE, currently working for the UN, will be active signing /4U until May 1994. He was heard on 24892 kHz around 1245z. SUDAN. According to Abdusalam, an operator of ST0K, this station is the first official club station and is located in Khartoum, the capital city of Sudan, and not in Southern Sudan as some had hoped. Abdusalam also reports that the ST0 prefix will be used only for club stations. Listen for ST0K on 18085, 21001 and 24895 kHz between 1230 and 1430z. QSL via Box 617, Khartoum, Sudan. NNNN /EX ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1993 16:52:19 GMT From: netcomsv!! To: References <2di6g3$>, , wrl Subject : Re: Life is too short for 2 KW!!!!! In article (slm) writes: >galen@picea.CFNR.ColoState.EDU (Galen Watts) writes: > >>Life is too short to not know how to run your own gear. Why do AM broadcasters >>run 50kW and not splatter? > >>Galen, KF0YJ > >I wouldn't necessarily hold up AM broadcasters as an example for us all! >There's a commercial AM station more than 3 miles away ... I hear them all >the time in my telephone (clear enough to pick out news, traffic reports, etc.) > >Sharon KC1YR I dunno. I betcha the engineer at that BC station understands the meaning of rectification and/or fundamental overload. And he may not even have a 2x2 call-sign. Greg ------------------------------ Date: (null) From: (null) SB PROP ARL ARLP048 ARLP048 Propagation de KT7H Conditions have been mostly quiet over the recent period, with low A and K indices, and the solar flux repeatedly flirting with the 100 level. Geomagnetic storm warnings were being issued mid week before this bulletin was written, but conditions should quiet down by the weekend. Solar flux should dip down to around 90 next week, and then go up over 100 by mid month. There are no more disturbed periods forecast for the near term, with the possible exception of some slightly active geomagnetic indices around December 15. The author is again receiving mail requests for explanations of some of the terms used in this bulletin. Don't forget when writing to include a self addressed stamped envelope for a reply. The address is 5519 12 Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105. The packet radio address is KT7H at N7DUO.WA.USA. A good source for basic information is the Propagation section in any recent copy of the ARRL Handbook. What most users of HF radio hope for is a higher solar flux, indicating more ionizing radiation from the Sun, and higher usable frequencies. When solar flares or coronal holes on the Sun produce protons, these recombine with electrons in the ionosphere and lower the reflectiveness, as well as cause absorption on polar paths by disturbing the Earth's magnetic field. Higher A and K indices, as noted on WWV broadcasts at 18 minutes after each hour, are indicators of these disturbed conditions. When the K index, which is updated every three hours, is lower than three, conditions are usually quite good. When the daily A index is lower than ten, this indicates good conditions as well, but for the previous day. K indices of greater than three or an A index higher than twenty is a general indicator of poorer conditions. Sunspot Numbers from November 24 through December 1 were 78, 61, 52, 55, 75, 92, 101 and 100, with a mean of 77.8. 10.7 cm flux was 100, 97.2, 93.2, 90, 93, 93.8, 103.7 and 108.6, with a mean of 97.4 NNNN /EX ------------------------------ Date: 2 Dec 93 00:06:20 GMT From:!metro!!eram! To: References <>, <1993Nov27, g.swi Subject : Re: Miss Manners in the Novice Sub-bands? G's silliness. In article , (Bill Macpherson) writes: | Since language inherently includes Spelling, and Grammar. The various Australian Aborigine cultures will be distressed to hear that. -- Dave Horsfall (VK2KFU) VK2KFU @ VK2RWI.NSW.AUS.OC PGP 2.3 dave@esi.COM.AU ...munnari!esi.COM.AU!dave available ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V93 #1427 ****************************** ******************************